Saturday, August 22, 2009

Home hair remedies for faster hair growth

Hair loss or hair fall is a normal phenomenon and affects all age groups at some point or the other. Hair loss on the frontal portion of the scalp is commonly referred to as frontal baldness and affects more males than females. Before we come to the cure, you must also understand why it happens. The main reason for this kind of hair loss is the male hormone DHT or Dihydrotestosterone. This hormone attacks the hair follicles and makes them fall. It also decreases the rate of hair growth. Usually this kind of baldness pattern is hereditary so you can check in your family if the male members have been afflicted with a similar kind of baldness pattern. Apart from the genetic inheritance, succumbing to jaundice and typhoid, as well as gland disorders such as the thyroid may also be responsible for your type of hair loss. Hair transplants using natural or artificial hair grafting, weaving and hair bonding are some techniques used to cover up the balding patch. These techniques are not only expensive but also form no surety against further hair loss.Natural hair care remedies help correct the problem internally and externally with the result that the scalp is invigorated to an extent to rejuvenate with new hair. You can take yogurt and camphor in equal quantities and mix the two. Keep the mix aside for some time before applying it on the scalp. Once you have applied this mixture, keep it on your scalp for a couple of hours, before you wash it off using tepid water. The localized hair loss can also be arrested to an extent with a honey and egg mix. Take an egg yolk and 2 tbs. of honey and mix the two thoroughly. Apply this on the frontal portion of your scalp and leave it on for the next two hours Onion, though pungent, can also be directly applied on to your scalp. The very reason for its pungency is why it is also effective in restoring growth of hair. The strong enzymes within the onions called alliinases stimulate hair follicles and improve blood circulation in the scalp. This helps in making the hair grow faster and thicker. Honey can be added as well to the onion mix for effective results. This is no fast track remedy to hair growth, but after a couple of weeks you will notice a definitive improvement in the thickness and growth of your hair.

Dietary changes include reducing smoking and minimizing alcohol consumption. Having a diet rich in legumes and proteins such as fish, eggs, cottage cheese, vegetables such as beans, chili peppers, bananas and marmite as sources of vitamin B also stimulate hair growth and improve quality. Stress causes hair fall so instead of stressing about your receding hairline; adopt a clean diet with balanced ingredients, plenty of water, exercise and a healthy bowel movement.


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